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Financial Advice Disclosure

The purpose of this disclosure is to give clients access to information that will help them to find a financial advice provider that meets their needs. If you would like further information you will find our contact details at the bottom of this page or under the “contact us” section on this website.

Licensing details

Evergreen Advice Limited (FSP771331) holds a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide regulated financial advice. Regulated financial advice is subject to licensing requirements under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

Nature and scope of the advice

Evergreen Advice Limited (Evergreen Advice) provides our clients with financial advice on their investments and provide an investment planning service. If we are unable to assist you, we will recommend you seek advice from another suitably qualified professional. Any advice will take account of your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It will be clear and concise, and with enough detail for you to make an informed decision about whether or not to act on it.

To become a client, you will work through a process with an adviser to ensure that any recommendations are suitable for you. We will:

  1. Have an initial discussion with you to understand your situation, your aims and objectives, and what specific problems you may be seeking to address. We will clearly explain our services. This initial discussion is confidential, without obligation and free of charge.
  2. You will be provided with this Disclosure Statement which I will review with you to highlight my advice process, fees, conflicts of interest, duties, and how to make a complaint.
  3. Arrange a Discovery meeting to gather additional information. This will include a discussion about investment risk, and agreement of scope. More than one meeting may be needed, depending on your circumstances.
  4. Prepare a written Statement of Advice that confirms the nature and scope of our advice to you, your situation, objectives and makes specific recommendations about an investment portfolio. The Statement of Advice will also contain information about initial and ongoing costs to implement the recommendations, along with other information about investment risk, recommended assets, and the ongoing advice process.

We can provide advice on the following financial advice products:

  • New Zealand and global direct equities, including exchange-traded funds;
  • New Zealand and global fixed interest investments;
  • Managed funds;
  • Term deposits; and/or
  • KiwiSaver;
  • Superannuation Schemes

Fees, expenses or other amounts payable

The exact fee will depend upon the type of service provided to you. You will be provided details of the relevant fees specific to your requirements prior to any financial advice being provided to you. Below are some fees that may apply:

  • An initial Investment Plan fee. This generally ranges from $1,000 to $3,000 (plus GST). The fee will be clearly disclosed and agreed upon before we proceed with the plan.
  • Ongoing advice fees. Our maximum advice fee is 1% (+ GST) per annum of the value of the assets under management, with reductions for accounts above $500,000. 
  •  This does not include custody, administration or fund management fees which will depend on the strategy that you use. All fees, expenses and other amounts payable will be confirmed in the Statement of Advice.

We may also carry out work of a project nature for clients. In this case, we may charge an hourly rate and will provide an estimate, depending on the nature of the engagement.

Conflicts of interest and incentives

To ensure that our financial advisers prioritise a client’s interests above their own, we follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made in the best interests of clients. All our staff are required to disclose any conflict or potential conflict of interest as they arise. Should any conflicts arise, we will take steps to manage and disclose such conflicts.

Our services are only paid for by fees that you pay. We do not receive payments or commissions from other organisations that might influence my advice.


Evergreen Advice and its financial advisers who provide regulated financial advice on its behalf, have statutory duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. This includes:

  • meeting the standards of competence, knowledge, and skill set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services;
  • meeting the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the code of conduct;
  • giving priority to client interests; and
  • exercising care, diligence, and skill when providing financial advice services.

A full version of the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services is available here:

Complaints handling and dispute resolution

Our Internal Complaints Process

We strive to deliver the highest level of service to our clients. However, if you are not satisfied with any aspect of service you receive from Evergreen Advice, please contact us in the first instance. We have an internal complaints process and undertake to investigate your concerns promptly and fairly. We aim to respond to all complaints within 10 business days. We will advise you if it takes longer than this and the reason for this.

To make a complaint email us at

Our External Complaints Process

We are a member of an independent dispute resolution scheme operated by the Financial Dispute Resolution Service ("FDRS"). If we cannot reach agreement on how to resolve your complaint or you are not satisfied by our response, you may refer the matter to FDRS by emailing or calling 0508 337 337. This is a free service to you. Full details of how to access the dispute resolution scheme can be found on their website,

Contact Details

If you have any questions in relation to this disclosure then please email us at or call +64 4 231 8405


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